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Visitors 85
20 photos

Dogwood YNP 16x20Halfdome YNP 16x20Gadwall Sacramento NWR 20x16Sonoma Balloon Fiesta 16x20Knights Valley 16x20Spoonbills Sacramento NWR 16x20Hess Collections Napa, Ca 16x20Tunnel View Sunset YNP 20x16Whitefront Geese Sacramento NWR 16x20Yosemite Falls Reflection YNP 20x16RMNP Deer 20x16Green Wing Teal Sacramento NWR 12x18Hess Collections Napa, Ca 12x18Halfdome Merced River YNP 20x16Hen Mallard Sacramento NWR 20x16Yosemite Falls Rain Storm YNP 20x16Alexander Valley 16x20Hen Mallard Sacramento NWR 20x16Grape Vines Sonoma Valley 20x16Napa Valley Mustard 20x16

Guestbook for Calendars 2017
Derwin Bullan
Hi Larry,
Love the photos, especially the ducks and geese.
Sherry L Rose(non-registered) have to decide which ones!
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